
Ethiopia is a fascinating country with unsurpassed natural beauty and a rich history. We traveled from the border with Kenya to Addis Ababa, and from there made a loop in the North, encompassing Bahir Dar, Gondar and Lalibela. Unfortunately, the ongoing war with Eritrea prevented us from visiting Axum and Eritrea.

The Blue Nile Gorge parallels the Grand Canyon in natural beauty (or surpasses it as far as I am concerned). We had to drive into the gorge, cross the river, and climb out again at the other side – a one-and-a-half day proposition.

Blue Nile Falls (south of Lake Tana)

Rural Ethiopia…


When the truck broke down just a mile outside a village, we spent 24 hours in one spot by the side of the road, attracting quite a crowd…


Paintings inside churches; Ethiopian priest

One of the rock-hewn churches in Lalibela. You’re looking at the roof of the church here…

Detail of one of the buildings in the Royal Enclosure in Gondar

Sunrise in Ethiopia, at a “rough camp” (i.e. not a campsite, but camping in the bush)