
Egypt, the land of monuments…  I have more pictures from Egypt than from any other country on the trip. However, I have spared you the dozens and dozens of pictures of monuments, and I have put only a few representative ones on this page.

Front of the Temple of Abu Simbel. This temple was moved a few hundred meters when the High Dam that created Lake Nasser was built. In my opinion one of the most impressive monuments in the world.

Obelisk at the Temple of Karnak (near Aswan); Entrance to the Temple of Luxor. Notice that the obelisk at the right of the entrance is missing: it is currently at the Place de la Concorde in Paris, courtesy of Napoleon Bonaparte.


Going down the Nile in a Felucca (Egyptian sailboat) – having lunch; Pat relaxing; and Pat working

Valley of the Kings; Detail of a painting inside a grave


Ride a donkey; walk like an Egyptian…


St. Anthony’s Monastery, the oldest monastery in the world; The skulls of hundreds of monks in St. Catherine’s Monastery in the Sinai Desert

Pillows and blankets on the beach in Dahab, Sinai Desert


Step pyramid of Djoser at Saqqara; Sandstorm near the Pyramid of Chefren at Giza

Me, posing as a mummy in the sarcophagus inside the pyramid of Chefren


Mosques in Cairo

This room (in a house/museum in Cairo) features in James Bond: The Spy Who Loved Me

My mother and me, having tea at a sidewalk cafe in Cairo